State-Required Information

Arkansas Code Annotated §6-11-129(2)(a) states that the following information should be easily accessible through the homepage of the website under a link titled “State-Required Information” to a page on the website where the information may be found.


  1. Dyslexia Information (STANDARD 2-H.2)...grouped by year

    • ​​Name of dyslexia intervention programs used during previous year

    • Number of students receiving dyslexia interventions during previous year

    • Total number of students identified with dyslexia during previous year

  2. School Calendar (STANDARD 1-A.4)

  3. Student Discipline Policies (STANDARD 1-B.2)...contained in Student Handbooks (STANDARD 3-A.9)

  4. Student Attendance Policies (STANDARD 2-B.9)...contained in Student Handbooks (STANDARD 3-A.9)

  5. Comprehensive School Counseling Plan (A.C.A. 6-18-2005 and STANDARD 2-C.1)...formerly Student Services Plan

  6. Recruitment and Retention Plan (A.C.A. 6-17-1901)...formerly Minority Teacher and Administrator Recruitment Plan

    • With at least 3 goals

  7. Policies for Fiscal Operations of District (STANDARD 3-A.1)

  8. Student Handbooks (STANDARD 3-A.9)

  9. School-Level Improvement Plans (STANDARD 3-B.1)...grouped by year

    • Arkansas Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (ACSIP)

    • Arkansas School Report Card

    • Arkansas School Performance Report

    • Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)

    • School-Level Improvement Plans including Literacy Plan

  10. Parent, Family, and Community Engagement Plan (STANDARD 5-A.1)...grouped by year

    • District Plan

    • District Plan in Parent-Friendly Language

    • Building Plans

    • District Policy

    • Building Policy

    • Parents Right to Know Letter in English and in Spanish

    • Parent Family and Community Engagement Events List

    • Title I Committee Members List

    • Title I Meeting Resources

  11. Bullying Policies (A.C.A. 6-18-514)...contained in Student Handbooks (STANDARD 3-A.9)

  12. District Strategic Support Plan

  13. Minutes of Regular and Special Board Meetings...grouped by year and posted after approval at the next meeting

  14. District Support Plan (STANDARD 1-B.4)...grouped by year

  15. Immunization Report (A.C.A. 6-18-702(b) and STANDARD 2-B.3)...formerly Vaccination and Immunization Report

  16. Annual Report to the Public (STANDARD 3-B.2.1)

  17. Annual School Performance Report

  18. List of Waivers Granted to District and Schools

  19. Notice of the Time, Date, and Place of School Board Meetings

  20. Districts receiving level 5 intensive support

    • A school identified as in need of targeted or comprehensive support or the district is in fiscal distress

    • Explanation of why and what the district is doing to be removed from the classification


SECTION 2: FINANCIAL DATA (A.C.A> 6-11-129)...Financial Data should consist of the two previous years and current year data.

  1. State and Local Revenue Source (State Aid Notice)...grouped by year

  2. Administrator and Teacher Salary and Benefit Expenditure Data...grouped by year

  3. School District Balances...grouped by year

    • Includes Legal Balances and Building Fund Balances

  4. Financial Breakdown of Monthly Expenses...grouped by year

  5. Salary Schedules for All Employees including Extending Contract and Supplementary Pay Amounts...grouped by year

  6. Current Contract Information...grouped by year

    • Includes salary, benefits, stipends, supplemental income, leave time, and all other contract terms

  7. Annual School District Statistical Report

  8. District Budget for the Current Year...grouped by year

SECTION 3: Miscellaneous



This is a public announcement. Public School Choice in Arkansas allows students to attend a public school in a district other than the one in which they reside. Applications for students in the following counties: Clark, Dallas, Grant, Hot Spring, Pike, and Saline, must be made by May 1, 2022 to qualify for provisions under the Arkansas Public School Choice Act of 2015 .


Pursuant to standards adopted by a non-resident school board, a non-resident district may reserve the right to accept and reject applicants based on capacity of programs, class, grade level, or school building. Likewise, a non-resident district’s standards may provide for the rejection of an applicant based upon the submission of false or misleading information to the above listed request for information when that information directly impacts the legal qualifications of an applicant to transfer pursuant to the School Choice Act. However, a non-resident district’s standards shall not include an applicant’s previous academic achievement, athletic or other extra-curricular ability, handicapping conditions, English proficiency level, or previous disciplinary proceedings, except that an expulsion from another district may be included pursuant to Ark. Code Ann. 6-18-1901. Priority will be given to applicants with siblings attending the district. The non-resident district shall accept credits toward graduation that were awarded by another district and award a diploma to a non-resident applicant if the applicant meets the non-resident district’s graduation requirements. Applications must be postmarked or delivered to the Superintendent of Schools no later than May 1 for a child to be able to enroll for the fall semester. Transfers shall be granted on a non-discriminatory basis. Students who have been accepted and enrolled in previous years do not have to reapply as approved transfers remain valid for as long as the student attends that public school.  


School Choice Rules and Application